相关 Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate‘. To initialize your shell, run
今天在autoDL平台上跑项目,自带conda,想创建虚拟环境,结果一直切换不成功,显示: CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has
相关 Unsupported Java. Your build is currently configured to use Java 17.0.7 and Gradle 6.1.1.
一、报错信息 不支持的Java,你的构建当前配置使用的是Java17和Gradle6.1.1。因为Gradle6.1.1需要的是Java11,所以使用Android St
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场景 当应用启动时,提示错误如下: ![Image 1][]![watermark_type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk_shadow_10_text_aH
相关 Android项目:如何确定Java版本兼容的gradle版本(Unsupported Java. Your build is currently configured to use Java……)
文章目录 问题描述 解决方法 -------------------- 问题描述 在配置从github上下载的项目时,配置的过程中出现错误:
相关 Unsupported Java. Your build is currently configured to use Java 17.0.6 and Gradle 7.0.2.
项目场景: 导入别人项目时出现的bug,提示java环境版本和Gradle版本不匹配 -------------------- 问题描述 Unsuppo
相关 Your build is currently configured to use Java 17.0.6 and Gradle 5.6.4.
<table> <thead> <tr> <th align="center"><font>报错信息</font></th> </tr> </the
相关 build.gradle:2: Minimum supported Gradle version is Gradle 6.3. Current version is Gradle 5.4.1. Ple
背景: 在升级了Dev Eco Studio 工具以后,编译未升级之前的项目时,出现了该错误 build.gradle:2: Minimum supported
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[Gradle build.gradle to Maven pom.xml][] 将gradle项目转换成maven项目 \根据build.gradle 生
相关 CommandNotFoundError: Your shell has not been properly configured to use ‘conda activate‘. If your s
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网站连续2次突然访问不了,但是nginx和tomcat的进程都正常,然后查看tomcat的日志,发现如下内容: JedisDataException: MISCONF Red