相关 error the @annotation pointcut expression is only supported at Java 5 compliance level or above
JDK11环境下启动项目出现:error the @annotation pointcut expression is only supported at Java 5 com
相关 Lambda expressions are not supported at language level ‘5’错误
Lambda expressions are not supported at language level '5’错误 > 版本过低,无法使用Lambda语言 > >
相关 Idea Lambda expressions are not supported at language level '5'
解决办法: pom 文件添加如下内容 <build> <plugins> <plugin>
相关 Idea Lambda expressions are not supported at language level '5'
出现这种情况,是由于的jdk版本不支持你的代码的语法(这种代码写法不支持) ![在这里插入图片描述][watermark_type_ZmFuZ3poZW5naGVpdGk_
相关 MySqL (5.7 or above) only_full_group_by问题
MySql数据库报错如下: > ERR-CODE: \[TDDL-4614\]\[ERR\_EXECUTE\_ON\_MYSQL\] Error occurs when ex
相关 Error:Pointcut is malformed: Pointcut is not well-formed: expecting '(' at character position 0
报错: Pointcut is malformed: Pointcut is not well-formed: expecting '(' at characte
相关 Error:java: Annotation processing is not supported for module cycles.
项目启动报这个Error的原因是moudle循环依赖的问题,就是我依赖了你,同时你也依赖了我,这时候就回产生循环依赖问题,如下图所示: ![循环依赖问题][20190408
相关 - Syntax error, parameterized types are only available if source level is 1.5 or greater
Multiple markers at this line - Syntax error, parameterized types are only available
相关 Idea Lambda expressions are not supported at language level '5' 解决
![20190625162440928.png][] 在网上查找方法,大多都是设置项目SDK版本号和setting-->Build, Execution, Deploymen
相关 【Java】 Methods references are not supported at language level '5'
【问题描述】 在IDEA中使用maven时出现了如下错误: Methods references are not supported at lang