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The 'BACKUPFAILED' error in Oracle Backup and Recovery is a common issue that can be cau
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Oracle数据库的"BACKUP-RECOVERY-ERROR"是一个通用错误代码,表示在进行备份或恢复操作时遇到了问题。 具体可能的原因包括: 1. 备份文件损坏。 2
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本文转载自:http://docs.oracle.com/cd/B10500\_01/server.920/a96519/strategy.htm Ba
相关 非常好的一篇文章(Oracle Backup and Recovery)转载自ORACLE网站
Oracle Backup and Recovery Backup and recovery is one of the most important aspects of
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数据库故障的类型: 1)user process failure: pmon 自动处理 2)instance failure:
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