相关 计算几何-转载
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相关 HDU 3952(计算几何)
问题描述: Fruit Ninja is a popular classic game. During the game, fruits will up to the air
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问题描述: Logo is a programming language built around a turtle. Commands in the language ca
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问题描述: I'm sure this problem will fit you as long as you didn't sleep in your High Scho
相关 Codeforces Round #431 (Div. 2) B. Tell Your World(技巧性模拟+精度坑死人系列)
B. Tell Your World time limit per test 1 second memory limit per test 256 megabytes
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问题描述: There is a cycle with its center on the origin. Now give you a point on the cy
相关 [计算几何]【学习笔记】
学计算几何专题已经两年了(还不是因为刚刚过年了.....) 哼 都写完了网页崩溃全没了 生气了 哼 本来已经12点了超想睡觉的现在又要重写一遍 哼 我不睡觉了 先扔一个完
相关 B. Tell Your World(计算几何+思维)
相关 Codeforces 849 B Tell Your World
题意:告诉你一个长度为n的序列,每位的值代表的就是(i,num\[i\])这个点,问这些点能不能连成两条平行的直线。 分析:通过暴力枚举num\[1\]-num\[0\