相关 /usr/local/bin/docker-compose: line 1: Not: command not found
安装docker-compose 检查是否安装成功 docker-compose --version。官网 https://dockerdocs.cn/compose/i...
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在workspace.xml ![format_png][] 在标签<component name="PropertiesComponent">里 ![
相关 python3: command not found
背景:之前是在自己用户非root用户安装的python3,但是有的时候执行需要在root下执行才能有权限,比如有的时候数据写入磁盘,我们必须要使用sudo python3而不是
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运行测试类报错 > Error running ‘MallTest.testRun’: Command line is too long. Shorten command
相关 IDEA : shorten command line
【官方文档】:[IntelliJ IDEA 2017.3 EAP: Configurable command line shortener and more][IntelliJ
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简介 编译wayland时候出现这样的错误提示 “autoreconf: not found”, “No package ‘libffi’ found” ,原因lin
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All Graphviz programs have a similar invocation: <table style="border-collapse:colla
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Git global setup git config --global user.name "winner" git config --global use
相关 ./cleanlog.sh: line 8: [0: command not found
写了个shell脚本清除message日志内容,结果每次执行都报错 ./cleanlog.sh: line 8: [0: command not found