相关 PAT(甲级)1081 Rational Sum (20point(s))
题目题目链接思路计算分数的加法;1、初始化时将ans 的分子设为0,分母设为1;2、计算过程中,分子,分母都可以为负;3、化简过程中注意三点:分母为负,分子分母都要变号;...
相关 【Java版oj】day36Rational Arithmetic、Pre-Post
目录 一、Rational Arithmetic (1)原题再现 (2)问题分析 (3)完整代码 二、Pre-Post (1)原题再现 (2)问题分析 (3
相关 Python实现Pat 1088. Rational Arithmetic (20)
[题目][Link 1] For two rational numbers, your task is to implement the basic arithmetic
相关 1081. Rational Sum (20)
Given N rational numbers in the form "numerator/denominator", you are supposed to calcul
相关 1088. Rational Arithmetic (20)
For two rational numbers, your task is to implement the basic arithmetics, that is, to c
相关 (PAT 1088) Rational Arithmetic (分数运算模拟)
For two rational numbers, your task is to implement the basic arithmetics, that is, to c
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参考了CSDN上一位博主提供的[C++的代码][C]: class Solution { public: int confusingNumberI
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[413. Arithmetic Slices][] A sequence of number is called arithmetic if it consists of
相关 1088 三人行 (20 分)解析
1088 三人行 (20 分) 子曰:“三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之,其不善者而改之。” 本题给定甲、乙、丙三个人的能力值关系为:甲的能力值确定是 2 位正整数;