杭电1012 红太狼 2022-06-05 11:56 182阅读 0赞 # u Calculate e # **Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/32768 K (Java/Others) Total Submission(s): 18822 Accepted Submission(s): 8211** Problem Description A simple mathematical formula for e is ![1012-1.gif][] where n is allowed to go to infinity. This can actually yield very accurate approximations of e using relatively small values of n. Output Output the approximations of e generated by the above formula for the values of n from 0 to 9. The beginning of your output should appear similar to that shown below. Sample Output n e - ----------- 0 1 1 2 2 2.5 3 2.666666667 4 2.708333333 //杭电1012 #include <stdio.h> int main (int argc, char **argv) { printf("n e\n"); printf("- -----------\n"); printf("0 1\n"); printf("1 2\n"); printf("2 2.5\n"); double result = 2.5 ; double p = 0.5; for (int i = 3; i <= 9; ++ i ) { p /= i; result += p; printf("%d %.9f\n", i , result); } return 0; } [1012-1.gif]: /images/20220605/02a3577f39be4752a7b48759294b4101.png
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相关 杭电2078 说实话,此题是一道有严重bug的问题,对于xhd没晚能复习的科目数m根本就没用上!!!哎不管那么些了,反正ac了!呵呵!此题这样想xhd得复习效率是前一课程和后一课程复习效率差 ╰+攻爆jí腚メ/ 2021年12月01日 22:38/ 0 赞/ 404 阅读
相关 杭电2090 此题就是一道令人无法琢磨的题!哎!!我简直就无语了!!呵呵!竟然能出这题。。。。 废话少说,直接ac!!! \\\ 此题要想输出结果,还需要注意一下! 在linux 约定不等于承诺〃/ 2021年12月01日 21:12/ 0 赞/ 430 阅读