Appium-Drivers-Gecko(Firefox) 古城微笑少年丶 2023-01-15 11:27 74阅读 0赞 这是一款基于Firefox内核的排版引擎(页面渲染引擎) 能在Microsoft Windows、Linux和Mac OS X等主要操作系统上运行 它是最流行的排版引擎之一,其流行程度仅次于Triden ### The Gecko Driver ### * * * * * * Requirements and Support * Usage * Capabilities Gecko driver has been added to Appium since version 1.20. This driver is a wrapper over Mozilla’s geckodriver binary, which implements communication with either desktop/mobile Gecko-based browsers like Firefox or Gecko-based web views (on mobile) via W3C WebDriver protocol. 从1.20版本开始Gecko driver已添加到Appium中. driver是包装Mozilla's geckodriver binary文件的 它通过W3C WebDriver protocol实现与desktop/mobile Gecko-based浏览器如Fixfox或Gecko-based web(on mobile) Development of the Gecko driver happens at the appium-geckodriver repo. Gecko driver开发在appium-geckodriver repo中进行 ###### Requirements and Support ###### In addition to Appium’s general requirements: * A supported browser must be installed on the destination platform. The recent browser releases (both desktop and mobile) could be retrieved from the official download page. 必须在平台上安装支持的浏览器. 最新版的浏览器(桌面端或移动端)可从官网下载页面检索 * The corresponding executable driver binary for the target platform must be available in `PATH` under `geckodriver` (`geckodriver.exe` in Windows) name. Geckodriver build for different supported platforms could be retrieved from the GitHub Releases page. 目前平台对应的可执行的driver二进制文件必须在geckodriver的path中可用的名称 可以从GitHub发布页检索不同平台的Geckodriver建立 * Windows (32/64 bit), Linux (32/64 bit) or macOS are supported as the host platforms. 系统: * Android SDK must be installed if it is necessary to communicate with the browser or a web view on mobile devices. Also, the Emulator SDK is needed if automated tests are going to use Android emulators. For real Android devices it is necessary to make sure they have the `online` status to in the `adb devices -l` output. The device’s screen must not be locked. 如需与移动设备的浏览器或web视频通信 必须安装Android SDK. 如果需要使用模拟器自动化测试,需要Emulator SDK. 对于真机Anroid devices, 需确保在`adb devices -l`中`online`状态展开. ##### Usage ##### The way to start a session using the Gecko driver is to include the `automationName` capability in your new session request, with the value `Gecko`. Of course, you must also include appropriate `platformName`(`Mac`/`Android`/`Windows`/`Linux`). Read for more details. 使用Gecko driver开始会话的方式在你新的请求中包括`automationName`功能 值为'Gecko' 当然,还必须包含'platformName'`('Mac'/'Android'/'Windows'/'Linux') 查看...网站更多细节 ##### Capabilities ##### The list of available driver capabilities could be found at 驱动功能列表查看...