Appium-Drivers-Mac ╰半橙微兮° 2023-01-15 12:22 85阅读 0赞 ### The Mac Driver for OS X ### * * * * * Requirements and Support * Usage * Getting AppiumForMac Appium has beta support for automation of OS X desktop applications. Development of this driver happens at the appium-mac-driver, and relies on a native OS X binary called AppiumForMac. Appium为OS X desktop提供beta版自动化支持. driver开发在appium-mac-driver中进行, 并且依赖于名为'AppiumForMac'的本地OS X二进制文件. ##### Requirements and Support ##### (In addition to Appium’s general requirements) * Mac OS X 10.7`Mac OX 版本` * The AppiumForMac helper application downloaded and installed (see below) AppiumForMac helper application已下载并安装(见下文) ##### Usage ##### The way to start a session using the Mac driver is to include the `platformName` capability in your new session request, with the value `Mac`. Also, ensure that you set the `deviceName` capability to `Mac` as well. Of course, you must also include appropriate `platformVersion` and `app` capabilities, at a minimum. 使用Mac driver开始会话的方式是包含'platformName'在新的会话中 值为'Mac' 另外,确保将'Mac'设置'deviceName'功能 当然,你必须还至少要包含匹配的'platformVersion'和'app' ##### Getting AppiumForMac ##### 获取AppiumForMac Currently, this driver does not ship with the AppiumForMac binary, which means, in order to automate Mac apps you must manually install the AppiumForMac application and grant it the appropriate OS X Accessibility permissions. 目前,这个driver不会随AppiumForMac binary一起提供, 这意味着, 为让Mac apps自动化 你必须手动安装'AppiumForMac' application和授权其相应的OS X可访问性 To Install Appium for Mac: 1. Download a release and unzip the application into your /Applications folder 2. Follow the brief supplemental installation instructions to enable Appium to have access to OS X’s Accessibility APIs 为Mac安装Appium: 1.下载公开文件并解压到你的Applications文件夹中 2.按照简短的补充安装说明使Appium能够访问OS X'S Accessibility APIs Accessibility可访 (For more information on using AppiumForMac, check out the docs)